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The Structure of the IJYA

MISSION The purpose of the IJYA is to make the practice of Shin-shin-toitsu-do available to people all over the world regardless of age, gender, or nationality. All members are treated equally and varying styles of Shin-shin-toitsu-do are accepted. The IJYA is a not for profit organization. OFFICERS The founding members of the IJYA are Sawai Atsuhiro Sensei and H. E. Davey Sensei. Sawai Sensei acts as President and the Director of the IJYA World Headquarters in Kyoto. Davey Sensei is Vice President and the International Chief Instructor. The duties of the President are to oversee the activities of the association, to offer instruction to the members via the IJYA quarterly journal, and to act as the “spiritual figurehead” for the group. The duties of the Vice President are to act as International Chief Instructor and to coordinate the activities of the group. In short, the day to day running of the IJYA is carried out by the Vice President, while the President monitors the activities of the IJYA. MEMBERS Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Shin-shin-toitsu-do. Membership is FREE. Interested parties can join the IJYA by sending an e-mail to the Vice President that provides their name, address, and e-mail address. Send e-mail to A membership certificate is sent to new members, and all members receive the IJYA Journal. Contact information for the members of the IJYA is never sold or shared with outside parties, and you can cancel your membership/journal subscription at any time via e-mail. JOURNAL The IJYA publishes a journal that acts as the official means of communication with its members. The journal focuses on how to practice Shin-shin-toitsu-do, with the goal of helping as many people as possible learn to unify the mind and body in daily life. The journal also features excerpts from Sawai Atsuhiro’s and H. E. Davey’s books on Shin-shin-toitsu-do. INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION Teaching certification is offered to qualified IJYA members. Since the IJYA recognizes that there are different interpretations of Shin-shin-toitsu-do, it also recognizes and tolerates differences between instructors. There are three levels of certification, comparable to bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and PhD. Bilingual (Japanese/English) certificates are presented to fully qualified teachers. The certificates bear the name of the IJYA World Headquarters in Japan and feature the signature and seal of the President. The appointment of IJYA teachers is overseen by the President and Vice President. Both the President and the Vice President hold the highest level of teaching certification. CURRICULUM The IJYA accepts that different teachers will present Shin-shin-toitsu-do instruction in their own way, but all IJYA instructors base their classes on Nakamura Tempu Sensei’s Four Basic Principles to Unify Mind and Body. These principles are the common link between all IJYA instructors. Certified instructors can recommend their students for teaching certification within one level of their own. All instructor certifications, however, must be approved by both the President and Vice President, who have final say in such matters. COMMUNICATION All communication between members and the IJYA is handled by the Vice President. The preferred language of communication is English or Japanese. (An exception is made for members in Japan, who can most easily correspond with the President and Kyoto headquarters directly.) Members should go through the Vice President/International Chief Instructor as opposed to attempting to directly communicate with the President and World Headquarters in Kyoto. When needed, inquires will be forwarded to the President for his response and/or suggestions. Contact the IJYA at

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