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About the Creation of the IJYA

Nakamura Tempu Sensei's art of Shin-shin-toitsu-do has existed in Japan since the 1920’s, and it is widely popular, but until the publication of Japanese Yoga: The Way of Dynamic Meditation several years ago, it was largely unknown in the West. While Japanese Yoga did make many more people aware of this important spiritual path, it is still very difficult for Western people to find a qualified teacher of Shin-shin-toitsu-do.

Previously, outside of a handful of well-established associations in Japan, the Sennin Foundation Center for Japanese Cultural arts in California was the only legitimate source for receiving teaching certification in the original mind and body unification methods of Nakamura Tempu Sensei, the founder of Shin-shin-toitsu-do. Unfortunately, none of the Japanese associations providing instruction in Nakamura Sensei’s Shin-shin-toitsu-do have been in a position to offer a comprehensive teacher training program for Westerners or even English language publications. As Professor Emeritus of English for Kyoto Sangyo University, Sawai Atsuhiro Sensei was dismayed by this situation, and it was one of the prime motivating factors for the creation of the International Japanese Yoga Association (Kokusai Nihon Yoga Renmei). In short, Sawai Sensei wants to make this time-honored meditative path available to everyone in the world, as inexpensively as possible, and without any sort of organizational politics. The establishment of the IJYA, H. E. Davey's books Japanese Yoga and The Teachings of Tempu: Practical Meditation for Daily Life, and Sawai Sensei’s upcoming book The True Paths to Meditation, are the first steps in the bona fide globalization of Nakamura Tempu Sensei’s mind and body unification principles.

The IJYA is an all-volunteer, nonprofit association. What’s more, membership is free, making the IJYA the first Shin-shin-toitsu-do organization in history to offer 100% free membership to all interested parties. You can also rest assured that the IJYA will never make your contact information available to anyone else, and you can cancel your membership at any time.

Please tell your friends about the IJYA. They are welcome to become members and learn more about how to unify their minds and bodies. They just need to send their name and contact information to Our goal with the IJYA is to maintain a streamlined organizational structure, one that is as simple and as free of rules as possible.

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